Malaysia DX Contest 2020



One of the goals for many top level radio operator in HF contest is to win a plaque. It could be for the World, their continent or country. This is something that shows real achievement and success in the contest. It also looks great on the wall of the shack to help explain contesting to family and friends. The Malaysia DX Contest 2020 is very fortunate to have individuals and clubs that are willing to sponsor these plaques.


  1. What is the e-mail address for submitting logs to the Malaysia DX Contest? Do multipliers count once only, or once per band?


    73 de Bruce, WA7BNM
    WA7BNM Contest Calendar

    1. Hi, Bruce. Firstly, many thanks for asking. The e-mail address is for submitting the log. The multipliers will count once per band. Kindly to invite your friends to join the Malaysia DX Contest.

      73, 9MDXC.

        1. Terima kasih atas penyertaan anda. Kami amat menghargai sokongan anda dalam Malaysia DX SSB Contest 2020 yang pertama kali diadakan. Semoga berjumpa lagi.

          73, 9MDXC.

    1. Many thanks for participating in Malaysia DX SSB Contest 2020. We really appreciate your support as this is our first DX Contest. Hope to see you again in the next contest.

      73, 9MDXC.

    1. Many thanks for participating in Malaysia DX SSB Contest 2020. We really appreciate your support as this is our first DX Contest. Hope to see you again in the next contest.

      73, 9MDXC.

    1. Terima kasih atas penyertaan anda. Kami amat menghargai sokongan anda dalam Malaysia DX SSB Contest 2020 yang pertama kali diadakan. Semoga berjumpa lagi.

      73, 9MDXC.

  2. I cannot submit my log, the message is “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.” Please fix it.

    1. Hi, Dony. We are sorry for the problem. We already fixed our system. Kindly to resend your log. Thank you for participating in Malaysia DX SSB Contest 2020.

      73, 9MDXC.

    1. Hi, John. Many thanks for participating in Malaysia DX SSB Contest 2020. We really appreciate your support as this is our first DX Contest. Hope to see you again in the next contest.

      73, 9MDXC.

  3. Congrats for the successful contest. Too many cups of coffee all night long. Just finished with 74 contacts. Using Ft-1200 pushing 80w into wire dipole. See next contest. 73 de DX9EVM team.

    1. Many thanks for participating in Malaysia DX SSB Contest 2020. We really appreciate your support as this is our first DX Contest. By the way, it is really nice setup as your team managed to get 74 contacts by using wire dipole only. Hope to see you again in the next contest.

      73, 9MDXC.

    1. Many thanks for participating in Malaysia DX SSB Contest 2020. We really appreciate your support as this is our first DX Contest. Hope to see you again in the next contest.

      73, 9MDXC.

  4. Salam selamat pagi 9MDXC. Kami ingin memaklumkan ‘CallSign’ yang kami gunakan adalah V85CQ dan bukannya Y85SQ seperti tertera di No. 61. Sekian, terima kasih.

    1. Pertamanya, maaf atas kesilapan pihak kami menyalin ‘CallSign’ anda. Kami sudah membetulkan semula dengan ‘CallSign’ yang betul iaitu V85CQ. Terima kasih kerana menyertai My DX SSB contest 2020. Jumpa lagi. 73, 9MDXC.

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